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Full-Time vs. Freelance Bookkeeper Career Potential

Freelance Jobs

If you are trying to decide between being a full-time or a freelance bookkeeper, there are a number of different things that you are going to need to think about. Here are a few things to consider about full-time versus freelance bookkeeping career potential.

Freelance Bookkeeper

If you are a bookkeeper, then you may want to consider continuing your career on a freelance basis. With advancements in technology, it is becoming much easier to outsource much of the work that used to be done in-house. Many companies are starting to outsource bookkeeping work on a regular basis because it allows them to cut back on overhead expenses. Instead of having to have extra offices for bookkeepers, they can reduce this need. They can also avoid paying for benefits and other expenses associated with having full-time employees. Because of this, you can access many different projects through online freelance sites.

If you are going to get into being a freelance bookkeeper, you will have several benefits associated with your career. For one thing, you are not going to have to worry about working on a particular schedule. If you were better at a certain time of day, you can set up your work schedule to accommodate this. You will also be your own boss. This means that if you want to take a break, you are free to do so without anyone looking over your shoulder.

Another benefit of being a freelance bookkeeper is that you will have an unlimited paycheck. The only thing that is going to limit your earning potential is you. You can continue to take on more clients until you reach a point where you cannot work anymore.

Full-Time Bookkeeper

You could also choose to pursue a career as a full-time, staff bookkeeper. You could potentially work in any industry that you can think of as a staff employee. With this type of job, you are going to be working in a traditional office environment. One of the big benefits of working in this type of environment is that you will have consistency. You are not going to have to worry about going out and looking for clients or work. You should have a steady amount of work and you are going to get a regular paycheck.

Another benefit of being a full-time bookkeeper is that you are not going to have to engage in other activities besides bookkeeping. When you are a freelance bookkeeper, you have to worry about billing your customers and continually finding new clients. As a staff bookkeeper, you will be able to focus on what you do best.

When you work in a traditional office environment, you are going to be able to gain access to a nice benefits package. You could get access to a retirement plan such as a 401(k), comprehensive health insurance, dental insurance, paid vacation time, and many other benefits. As a freelancer, you are not going to get access to these benefits packages.

Full-Time vs Freelance Programmer Career Potential

Deciding between working as a full-time or a freelance programmer can be a tough choice to make. Both career paths have some potential and they also have a few drawbacks that you will have to think about. Here are a few things to consider about working as a full-time or a freelance programmer.


Freelance Programmer

More and more computer programmers are getting into freelance work these days. With advancements in technology, most programmers can do their job from anywhere. There is less call for in-house programming than there ever has been before. If you are good at what you do, you should be able to find a plethora of programming work regardless of where you are located. There are many different freelance websites out there that will help you meet up with people that need what you have to offer. You can bid on jobs and eventually develop a client base that you can work with steadily.

One of the big advantages of being a freelance programmer is that you get to write your own paycheck. You are not going to have someone putting a cap on how much you can earn. Instead, you can work as much or as little as you want depending on your own personal preference. You will also be able to set your own rates. Instead of having to do work and provide a certain amount of money to your employer, you will be able to keep everything that you make.

As a freelancer, you are also going to be able to set your own schedule and be your own boss. You will not have to clock in or worry about meeting a quota. You can work when you want and finish when you want.

Full-Time Programmer

Working as a full-time programmer is going to put you into a traditional office environment. You are going to work a set schedule, usually from early in the morning until late afternoon. Many people that get into a full-time employee programming role like it because of the fixed schedule that they can stick to. When you work as a freelancer, you have to have a lot of self-discipline in order to get your work done.

As a full-time programmer, you are also going to be able to get a steady paycheck. Regardless of whether there is a lot of work to do or not, you are still going to be able to get paid from your company. A lot of people like this certainty in their incomes.

On top of a steady paycheck, you should also expect to get a nice benefits package through your employer. Your employer will most likely give you a 401(k) with a company match. You will also be able to get a comprehensive health insurance package that could include dental and vision insurance as well. Many companies also offer flexible spending accounts to help cover your co-pays and other various medical expenses that are not covered by insurance.

Full-Time vs Freelance Engineer: Career Potential

When you are trying to decide between being a full-time or freelance engineer, there are a number of variables that you will need to take into consideration. Here are a few things to think about when it comes to deciding between a full-time position or a freelance career as an engineer.


Freelance Engineer

If you are an engineer, there are more and more opportunities in today’s market to get involved in freelance work. You can do practically anything that you would be able to do in a normal job through freelance opportunities. By doing this, you are going to be able to call your own shots. Instead of working for an engineering firm and sticking to a specific schedule, you will be able to choose the clients that you work with and work your own hours. You are not going to have a manager that is overseeing your work. You are going to be in charge of yourself, and you will be able to do what you want. If you get your work done in the morning, you can feel free to take the rest of the day off.

Another advantage of working as a freelance engineer is that you are going to have unlimited income potential. When you work for a firm, there is likely a cap on your earnings. Even if you work your way through the ranks and get promotions, you know that there is only so much money that you can make. You also know that the company is taking a good portion of what you actually earn in order to cover overhead and management salaries. When you work for yourself, you do not have to worry about any of this. You can charge a competitive rate and still make very good money. You can work as much or as little as you want.

Full-Time Engineer

You could also choose to pursue a career as a full-time, staff engineer. With this type of job, you are going to be working in a traditional office setting for an engineering firm. You are going to do the work that is assigned to you in this situation. Many engineers prefer this type of arrangement because they never have to worry about having plenty of work to do. You simply show up to work, and you are going to have projects to work on. You do not have to worry about going out and finding new clients or billing clients for the work that you have done. Instead, you can focus solely on engineering duties.

Another benefit of working in an office setting is that you are going to get a nice benefits package. Most staff engineers get access to a retirement plan, health insurance, and a host of other benefits.

Making the Decision

Every engineer is going to value different things when it comes to working as a freelancer or as a full-time employee. You will need to decide whether you value freedom or security before making your decision

Full-Time vs Freelance Accountant Career Potential

Freelance accountants are becoming more and more popular nowadays. The reason for this growth in popularity is due to the fact that freelance accountants present a lot of benefits to businesses. The career potential of a freelance accountant is huge in comparison to that of a full time employee. Read on to find out more.


The Double F Factor: Flexibility and Freedom

A freelance accountant as opposed to a full time one handles his own schedule and works whenever it is convenient for him. Provided he meets deadlines, working hours are of his or her choice. This gives freelance accountants the flexibility and freedom to accommodate their jobs to their personal life.

This is a major pro that in some cases, may turn into a con. A freelance accountant who is having a hard time finishing a project on time will work as many extra hours as necessary. That means that in occasions, he or she may be working around the clock.

However, this is not the rule. Full time accountants, on the other hand, need to comply with a specific shift and accommodate their life to it. This is usually not an easy task, especially if you take into account that full time accountants may be asked more often than not to work overtime.

Convenience Works Both Ways

A freelance accountant can do his job almost from anywhere, as long as he has the necessary tools and documents. In most cases, a computer with an internet connection will do. This means that not only he can work from home, but he can also can work from any place he or she wishes to.

Moving out to a different state or country is no longer a problem if you are a freelance accountant. In fact, most companies decide to outsource their accountants. Having freelance accountants in other countries is highly efficient for companies.

Think of the time difference. With freelance accountants around the world, the company can have employees working around the clock. In addition, the exchange rate also plays an important role. Given the differences in the currencies, companies save big bucks hiring freelance accountants abroad.

You Got your Own Back

Even though working in house for a company gives you many perks, advantages and peace of mind, being a freelancer also has its perks. You will need to draft a contract, and most probably get the advice of an attorney, but being an accountant poses a major advantage in comparison to other freelance professionals.

You probably know your way around contracts, so you know what they should say, what can’t be missing, and how to cover your back. Even if you are just starting out as an accountant, there are plenty of online guides on how to write a freelance accountant contract.

Putting your Eggs in Different Baskets

Lastly and most importantly, one of the major benefits of being a freelance accountant is that you get to work for different clients and enjoy a greater income. The career potential for a freelance accountant is huge. If you do well, you may end up opening your own accounting business.


Full-Time vs. Freelance IT Career Potential

Deciding between freelance IT work and working as a full-time employee can be a difficult decision for many individuals in this field. Both options carry with them some advantages and disadvantages. Here are a few things to consider about working as a full-time IT employee or as a freelance IT professional.

Freelance IT

The field of IT is becoming very large and many different industries require IT help regularly. Because of this, there is plenty of room for freelance IT professionals to get involved. By doing this, you are going to be able to work for a variety of different clients and basically be in charge of your own business. You will be able to set your own hours and choose the people that you work with. Many people like working as a freelance IT professional because they do not have to answer to any management and they can work as they please.

The field of IT could be considered very lucrative. If you work for someone else, your company is going to make a percentage off of the money that you generate. However, when you work as a freelancer, you are going to be able to reap the full benefits of your labor. This basically means that you are not going to have a cap on what you can earn. If you still have time to work, you are welcome to do so. If you want to take off early because you are content with how much you have made, you are also free to do so.

Full-Time Employee

Many IT professionals also choose to take the route of being a full-time employee. Working for an IT company will provide you with some stability in your income. Many freelancers can make a lot of money all at once, but then they might go through a dry spell between customers. If you work for a company full-time, you are going to be able to get a steady paycheck. A lot of people preferred the stability that comes with this type of arrangement.

In addition to getting a stable paycheck, you are going to be able to focus on doing IT work instead of branching out into other areas. When you are a freelancer, you have to worry about marketing, accounts receivable, and bookkeeping. However, when you work for a company, you can focus on doing what you are trained to do.

Another advantage of working as a full-time employee is the benefits package. When you work on your own, you are not going to get any benefits. As an employee, you will most likely get health insurance, a retirement plan, and paid vacation time.

Making the Choice

If you are one of those people that prefer the stability of a full-time job, the freelance route might not be for you. However, if you like the thought of being able to make as much money as you want and working your own schedule, freelance IT work might be the best choice.